With each edition, Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change by Martin Silberberg is becoming a favorite among faculty and students. Silberberg's 2nd edition contains features that make it the most comprehensive and relevant text for any student enrolled in General Chemistry. The text contains unprecedented macroscopic to microscopic molecular illustrations, consistent step-by-step worked exercises in every chapter, an extensive range of end-of-chapter problems which provide engaging applications covering a wide variety of freshman interests, including engineering, medicine, materials, and environmental studies. All of these qualities make Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change the centerpiece for any General Chemistry course.
About the Author
Martin S. Silberberg received his B.S. in chemistry from the City University of New York in 1966 and his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Oklahoma, in 1971. He then accepted a research position at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where he studied the chemical nature of neurotransmission and Parkinson's disease. In 1977, Dr. Silberberg joined the faculty of Simon's Rock College of Bard (Massachusetts), a liberal arts college known for its excellence in teaching small classes of highly motivated students. As Head of the Natural Sciences Major and Director of Premedical Studies, he taught courses in general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and nonmajors chemistry. The close student contact afforded him insights into how students learn chemistry, where they have difficulties, and what strategies can help them succeed. In 1983, Dr. Silberberg decided to apply these insights in a broader context and established a text writing and editing company. Before writing his own text, he worked on chemistry, biochemistry, and physics texts for several major college publishers. He resides with his wife and child in Massachusetts. For relaxation, he cooks, sings, and walks in the woods.