In Children of Time, Adrian Tchaikovsky weaves a breathtaking tale of evolution, survival, and the indomitable spirit of life across the cosmos. As humanity grapples with its impending extinction, a terraforming project goes awry, leading to the unintended evolution of sentient spiders on a distant planet. The narrative spans centuries, exploring the rise of these new civilizations alongside the remnants of humanity, whose last hope for survival lies in the stars. Tchaikovsky masterfully intertwines themes of memory, legacy, and what it means to be sentient, crafting a thought-provoking epic that challenges our understanding of intelligence and connection.
Editorial Reviews
“A remarkable journey through time and evolution, Children of Time challenges everything we think we know about intelligence and the future of humanity. Tchaikovsky's intricate plotting and richly imagined universe make this a must-read for any science fiction fan.” —BookPage
“An ambitious and intricately woven tale that spans generations, Children of Time invites readers to ponder the nature of consciousness and the fragility of civilization. Tchaikovsky’s prose is both eloquent and engaging, creating a vivid tapestry of life in its many forms.” —Kirkus Reviews
About the Author
Adrian Tchaikovsky is an acclaimed British author known for his imaginative and thought-provoking science fiction and fantasy works. With a background in zoology, Tchaikovsky often draws upon his scientific knowledge to create intricate worlds populated by diverse and intelligent species. His debut novel, Children of Time, won the Arthur C. Clarke Award and has garnered a reputation as a modern classic of speculative fiction. Tchaikovsky continues to explore the boundaries of human experience and the natural world, earning recognition for his innovative storytelling and richly developed characters.