In L. Sprague de Camp's thrilling Conan and the Spider God, the legendary Cimmerian warrior Conan faces his most sinister challenge yet. Set in the dark and treacherous lands of the Hyborian Age, Conan is drawn into a web of intrigue and malevolent forces when a powerful and malevolent spider deity seeks to plunge the world into chaos. As Conan battles treacherous sorcerers, deadly traps, and monstrous creatures, he must rely on his strength, cunning, and indomitable will to thwart the dark god’s plans and save the realm from a fate worse than death. With its fast-paced action and richly woven tapestry of fantasy elements, this gripping adventure is a must-read for fans of classic sword and sorcery.
Author Bio:
L. Sprague de Camp (1907-2000) was a prolific American science fiction and fantasy author known for his influential contributions to the genre. His extensive works include the popular Conan series, which he co-authored with Lin Carter, as well as numerous other novels, essays, and historical works. De Camp's writing is celebrated for its meticulous research, imaginative storytelling, and a deep understanding of historical and mythological influences, making him a cornerstone of 20th-century speculative fiction.