"The Call of the Wild" is the story of Buck, a large dog who is betrayed, sold and cruelly forced to pull a sledge through the frozen Yukon. Buck must adapt to the brutality of his new life, until he is saved and domesticated again - although the call of the wild always persists. In "White Fang", a wild young cub, part dog and part wolf, grows up solitary and savage and becomes the most deadly fighter of them all, until at last he has the chance to respond to kindness and learn the ways of civilization.
About the Author
Jack London (1876–1916) was born John Chaney in Pennsylvania, USA. In 1896 he was caught up in the gold rush to the Klondike river in north-west Canada, which became the inspiration for The Call of the Wild (1903) and White Fang (1906). Jack London became one of the most widely read writers in the world.