Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto is a pioneering work in the Gothic novel genre, blending elements of supernatural terror with intricate medieval romance. The novel opens with a dramatic and mysterious event—a giant helmet crashing down upon the wedding of Prince Manfred's daughter, Isabella. This fantastical occurrence sets off a chain of tragic and eerie events involving secret passages, hidden identities, and ancient curses within the gloomy confines of the castle.
Edited by W.S. Lewis and reissued by Oxford University Press with a new introduction and notes by E.J. Clery, this edition offers readers insightful context and analysis that enrich the original narrative. Lewis's meticulous editing and Clery's contemporary scholarly perspective provide a deeper understanding of Walpole's innovative storytelling, making this a must-read for fans of Gothic literature.
About the Author
Horace Walpole (1717-1797) was an English author and politician renowned for his contribution to the Gothic genre with his novel The Castle of Otranto (1764). Born into the prominent Walpole family, he served as a Member of Parliament and was a close friend of notable figures such as Samuel Johnson. Walpole's fascination with medieval architecture and antiquities, coupled with his keen literary imagination, led him to craft a novel that would become a touchstone for Gothic fiction. His influence extends beyond literature into the realms of art and architecture, as exemplified by his own creation of Strawberry Hill House, a Gothic Revival masterpiece.
W.S. Lewis (1895-1978) was a distinguished scholar and editor, best known for his work on the scholarly edition of Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto. As a renowned literary critic and historian, Lewis made significant contributions to the study of 18th-century English literature. His meticulous editing and detailed annotations have provided valuable insights into the text, enhancing its academic value. His dedication to preserving and elucidating classic works has made him a respected figure in literary studies.
E.J. Clery is a contemporary scholar and professor of English Literature known for her expertise in 18th-century Gothic literature. Her insightful introductions and annotations in modern editions of classic texts, such as The Castle of Otranto, have garnered acclaim for their depth and clarity. Clery's academic work often focuses on the interplay between Gothic fiction and its historical context, offering readers a nuanced understanding of the genre's development and impact.