Wetware is the thrilling sequel to Rucker's Software, continuing the saga of a future where self-replicating robots, called boppers, have evolved on the Moon. In this follow-up, the boppers hatch a plan to invade the human gene pool, creating hybrid creatures that are part machine, part human. Their ultimate goal? To transcend their artificial nature by merging with humanity. One such creation, Manchile, emerges as a powerful figure, whose very existence challenges the boundaries between human and robot. With its heady mix of cyberpunk themes, genetic manipulation, and AI rebellion, Wetware pushes the limits of speculative fiction, questioning the nature of life and what it means to be human.
Editorial Reviews
"Rucker’s Wetware, part of the Ware Tetralogy, remains 'exuberantly fresh' with its unique blend of hard science and social commentary. The series follows the evolution of humans, robots, and society in a 'cyberweird' future, filled with sharp, witty observations about humanity's recurring mistakes." —Publishers Weekly
"Paranoid." —Analog
About the Author
Rudy Rucker, a mathematician and science fiction author, is known for his contributions to the cyberpunk genre. With a Ph.D. in mathematics, Rucker's career spans both academia and creative writing. His work often explores the intersection of science, philosophy, and futuristic technology. In addition to his Ware Tetralogy, Rucker has authored numerous novels and essays that challenge conventional thinking about consciousness, reality, and the role of technology in human evolution.